• Resolution of the conflict in Former Yugoslavia 1993
  • Charter for Socially Responsible Schools of Architecture, 1995
  • Message to UIA, 1996
  • Appeal against Indian nuclear arms tests, 1998
  • Letter to President Clinton 1999
Arc Peace
  • International conflicts and oil, statement by AESR, UK 2002
  • Peace Declaration, City of Hiroshima (by The City of Hiroshima)
  • Los arquitectos y los urbanistas deben tomar en serio el problema mundial de los tugurios, 2008 (Spanish )
Arc Peace Iternational
  • Les architectes et les urbanistes doivent prendre au sérieux le problème mondial des bidonvilles, 2008  (French )
  • Architects and planners must take the global slum problem seriously, 2008 (English)
  • Those who pollute most must commit themselves to greater reductions
 بيان حول تعليم العمارة والتخطيط  صادر عن ارك بيس اجتماع كوبنهاجن 12  ابريل 2012
  • Declaración sobre la educación de arquitectos y planificadores
  • Education of architects and planners should focus on social responsibility, 2012
آرك بيس تعبّر عن تضامنها مع ” المعهد الملكي للمهندسين المعماريين البريطانيين “
  • ARC●PEACE apoya la propuesta de que le Asociación Israelita de Arquitectos Unidos sea suspendida de la UIA
  • ARC●PEACE  supports the proposal that the Israeli architects association be suspended from UIA