Colleague Ben Spencer extends an invitation through ARC∙PEACE.
This is the Eco-Housing Design Contest organized by the International
Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).
The location is at Godavari Knowledge Park (soon to be renamed
‘Living Mountain Lab’) in Nepal. ICIMOD hopes that architects from all
over the world will participate. Registration expires September 2;
and an extension to this term can be requested.
Submissions are due October 21. The Competition Design Brief +
Sustainable Design Workbook are available in the following folder:

ICIMOD LML Eco-Houses – Google Drive

For more information, please contact our colleague:

Arc Peace General Assembly 2022

When: Friday 9th September, 2022
Hosted by: Nita Lorimer, Lund, Sweden

Members expected to participate

Below, left to right: Nita Lorimer (Sweden), Graeme Bristol (Canada), Luz Maria Sanchez Hurtado (Peru), Paul Broches (USA), Shyama Sivadas (USA), Jaime Alzérreca Pérez (Bolivia), Sandra Sosa (Mexico), Øystein Grønning (Norway), Leila Ayoub (Tunisia), Oscar Margenet Nadal (Spain), Ruma Shukla (India), Tony Watkins (New Zealand), Sarah Brindley (UK), Apollinaire Salumu Kitenge (RD Congo), Lina Suleiman (Sweden), Ahmed Al-Jowder (Kingdom of Bahrain), Ivana Fisher-Margenet (Germany), Ryoichi Shuto (Japan), Geoffrey Payne (UK), Joanne Karam (Lebanon), Osman Elkheir (Sudan), Bijayanand Misra (India), Benjamin Spencer (Nepal), Mario Guitelzon (Argentine),Andrés Margenet Cáceres (Spain), Joan Margenet Cerutti (Spain), Michel Margenet Cerutti (Spain).

ARC•PEACE International has associated organizations and individuals in countries on every continent.
The governing body of the Association is the General Assembly.

All those interested in participating in the assemblies of ARC•PEACE are welcome to comment on the topics discussed on tables. Full members have voice and vote.
To become associated, the only requirement is to accept the Charter of ARC•PEACE and pay a single installment at the beginning of each year.
Due to the inconveniences caused by the pandemic and its consequences, the payment term for this fee has been extended to facilitate the full participation of those who wish to do so.

Even if you do not appear in the pictures, join us!

WhatsApp: Int + 34 638 556 953

Arc Peace General Assembly 2021

Palma, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain
Assembly members participating

Below, from left to right, pictured from the screen are: Graeme Bristol (Canada), Bijay Misra (India), Nita Loriner (Sweden), Osman Elkheir (Sudan) and Oscar Margenet Nadal (Spain).

Host and Technical Support

Above left:
Salvador Maimó Barceló (AVV Es Fortí President, Spain) the kind host of the Meeting
right: Andrés Margenet Cáceres (Spain) voluntary in charge of arranging the Meet connection.
The meeting started at 12:15. It was held via Meet Program in Casal de Barri Es Forti; 1, Bartomeu Darder Street, Palma, Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain.

The facility was offered free of charge to ARC•PEACE Secretariat by the generous neighbours of the AVV Es Fortí Quarter Association.

In addition to the five members who managed to connect in the meeting, the other four members pictured below couldn’t do it, due to different reasons.

They are, from left to right:
Øystein GrØnning (Norway), ARC•PEACE Vice-Secretary; he sent an email regretting
not to be free to connect due to previous work engagements;
Ali Elzubair Ahmed (United Kingdom), ARC•PEACE former Treasurer, as shown in the screen
caption he could not open the microphone or the camera from his side.
Shyama Sivadas (USA), ARC•PEACE very active new member, she could connect only when the Meeting had finished; and
Marilou Sanchez Hurtado (Peru), ARC•PEACE former President, we unsuccessfully tried hard to connect her; however, she kept in touch with the Secretary via WhatsApp and emails.
The Assembly members adjourned this session until a new date is agreed upon.


By Prof. Antoine Bret

Climate change is news. However, news, web or the press, cannot always convey answers to some questions as frequent as concrete. These questions, which often come back in one form or another, are:
1. How can we talk about climate in 100 years if we do not know if it will rain in 20 days?
2. How do we know that there is a climate change?
3. How do we know it comes from the increase in greenhouse gases (GHG)?
4. How do we know that these GHGs come from human activity?
5. Do the experts agree?
I will try to answer them here as briefly as possible 1.
1. How can we talk about climate in 100 years….?
It is a very pertinent question indeed, which will allow us to understand the difference between climate, and weather. To answer it, let’s ask two more questions:
a. Will it be warmer in Madrid in July 2030 than in January 2030?
b. Will it rain in Madrid on 20 June 2020?
I think anyone would answer “yes” to question (a), and “no idea” to question (b). How can we achieve certainty in question (a) while it is impossible with the other?
When we think of (a) we think about what should happen in July and January. And what should happen is related to the height of the Sun in the sky. The higher, the more heat comes the longer, and the more heat it makes. But when we think about question (b) we think about what will really happen on that day, and here we find it impossible to answer more than a week or two in advance.
Question (a) has to do with the climate; (b) with the weather. As the English climatologist Mike Hulme wrote, “Climate is what you expect, weather is what you get” 2. It is possible to predict the climate. For this reason, tourist guides can inform about the average temperature in Madrid throughout the year, without the need for a crystal ball.